Sunday, September 27, 2015

The BEST Scrambled Eggs

A few months ago, I was teaching my students how to do Internet searches. While looking for "how-to" videos, we came across the Gordon Ramsay video below. Before watching it, we all agreed that we knew how to make scrambled eggs, but we were all surprised to learn about this technique. A little while later, I came across the first video from Sir Ian McKellen, a much gentler introduction to the same technique. I tried it out and was pleasantly surprised! 

The technique is to put the un-whisked eggs and a bit of butter in a cold pan and stir constantly as they cook gently, forming small curds. The resulting eggs were creamy and wonderfully flavorful, reminding me of some eggs I'd been served at a high-end French restaurant a few years ago. During the week I don't usually take the time for this, but it's really only an extra minute or so, and on weekends it's a lovely way to make a delicious breakfast. 

Sir Ian at the Chateau Marmont:

Chef Ramsay's more detailed instructions - be careful to stop the video at the end, as the next one after it is NSFW: 

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